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Becoming The Mirror of Love

 "My Love is not dependent on a person, place, or thing

it is just part of my Being.

I am not waiting to fall in love

I am in Love

and waiting."

I wrote that piece several years ago and it still rings true for me today. There comes an unshakeable sense of security when you come to a True place of knowingness of who you are/n't. Something that can only be achieved when you sincerely take the time to sit and meet with yourselves. No distractions, no limitations of time; just you and the Mirror to yourselves - reacquainting. At first, you may notice a beautiful reflection of your pure heart and the fullness of your Being; but don't stop there, I urge you to dive deeper. Take that same Love and sit across from the you that reflects back the accountability we must take over the role we play in projecting the habits that don't serve us. You know the ones, they echo through our experiences like a ghost haunting our mind. We try to play them off or point the finger elsewhere but deep down we know that we're ultimately the ones stunting our own growth. Calling this reflection by it's name is difficult - but when did I say this work was easy? 

Worth it? Absolutely. Easy? Sorry my friend, but not even close. 

Once you take that time with yourself - and I meany really take that time to de/re construct your misalignment to yourself as you truly are/n't, an unbridled confidence is born. Not the kind of confidence that stems from ego but the kind that comes from killing it. The love you feel for yourself is so euphoric - it overflows within you and spills out over everything you do and everyone you meet. And just like that, you've Become the Mirror of Love.

I think that is why I am able to say with such sincerity that I Love people and experiences unconditionally. It's because I Love myself unconditionally. I am in a constant state of Love, even on my difficult days - "it is just part of my Being". I don't attach to the experience, I witness it. I allow it to be whatever it needs to for the time it's meant to, and I appreciate it all the same. I don't need a certain outcome to be met to give the experience value. I know who I am and what I am not, so there is no amount of external validation or lack thereof that can make that lovingness falter within me. 

So come as you are; happy, sad, lost, hopeful, frustrated, excited - just come to me with sincerity and I will take you by the hand and Love you all the same. 

And maybe my reflection, can teach you how to, too.


Photo by Daria Shevtsova


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